How Cacao Can Do So Much More Than Make Chocolate

Creating chocolate has the potential to do so much more than be a Valentine’s treat or an end-of-meal indulgence. Approximately 75% of the cacao pod is discarded during the cultivation, harvesting and consumption of cocoa beans. However, if parts like the husk, pulp and bean shell were collected and managed properly, these byproducts could help raise farmers’
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Amidst Record-breaking Fires, Will Brazil Confront Its Climate Challenges?

Brazilians are currently living in a dystopian landscape. Thick smoke, oppressive heat and eerily orange sunsets blanket both major cities and small villages. Hundreds of cities are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution while thousands of hectares of forest burn. The jarring images send out a clear distress signal: Something is fundamentally amiss. Everybody familiar
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6 Graphics Explain South America’s Forest Fires

South America is ablaze, with record-breaking fires burning even in typically moist ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest. High temperatures and persistent drought fueled by the El Niño event that ended earlier this year — as well as longer-term changes driven by deforestation and climate change — have caused fires to spread across millions of hectares and several countries, threatening
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As the Earth Gets Hotter, Can Our Cities Get Cooler?

It isn’t just your perception that extreme heat is happening more and more. As a result of climate change, the number of extreme heat events has accelerated around the world. The past eight years were the hottest on record. Millions of people are experiencing life-threatening temperatures, from Mecca to India to Latin America. And it is expected to worsen. Indeed, heat is the deadliest disaster most
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