6 Ways the US Can Curb Climate Change and Grow More Food

American agriculture is among the most productive in the world. It employs 2.6 million people in growing food and other products worth nearly $400 billion annually. Over 20% of that output is shipped abroad, making the United States the largest exporter of agricultural products globally. U.S. agriculture has also grown more efficient in recent years, increasing crop and livestock production by about 30% from
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How Cacao Can Do So Much More Than Make Chocolate

Creating chocolate has the potential to do so much more than be a Valentine’s treat or an end-of-meal indulgence. Approximately 75% of the cacao pod is discarded during the cultivation, harvesting and consumption of cocoa beans. However, if parts like the husk, pulp and bean shell were collected and managed properly, these byproducts could help raise farmers’
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